universal space vheical design concept
On detection of an Earth approaching DSO ground data support facilities (first optical then radio telescopes) determine (adjust) its flight trajectory, size and class. In terms of the DSO-Earth impact point predicted and possible after-effects the necessity of DSO interception is determined and the DSO interception point and USI completeness are specified. After this the launch complex, launch vehicle, post boost stage and USI prelaunch preparation is performed, LV is launched and USI is injected into a trajectory to the USI-DSO impact point. The prelaunch procedures duration is minimized since the interception complex is kept on the alert. During USI independent radio-controlled flight the necessary USI trajectory adjustment is made. On DSO detection with USI on-board equipment the USI flight trajectory is adjusted (about 1000 s before impact). Impact modules are separated one-by-one (within every 100 s) and deployed as a sequence of modules at intervals of about 25 km. The command-impact module is behind the “chain” of impact modules.
On the basis of DSO final inspection with CIM on-board facilities the most appropriate KSP-DSO surface impact points are specified. At 7 000 - 10 000 km from DSO the impact modules self-guidance onto the points specified is performed. On the basis of IM-DSO impact monitoring and prediction of its own DSO impact accuracy the command-impact module generates a message on the successful DSO interception.Ground monitoring facilities confirm DSO disintegration into fragments and estimate the trajectories of the largest ones to make it possible to qualify the DSO material, structure and mechanical properties (predetermined by the remote monitoring data).
1. By the analysis of the possible frequency of various-size space objects falls on
the Earth there are distinguished objects of 20-300 m in diameter the probability of
USI completeness USI-6 USI-5 USI-3 USI-1 USI-N
Number of IM 5 4 2 -
USI mass, kg 10054 8304 4891 1590 2757
USI length, m 10.05 8.5 5.4 2.3
USI diameter, m 3.0 1.8
KSP set mass, kg 7250 5950 3350 750
NED mass, kg - 1127
DSO intercepted diameter, m 40-150 20-70 100-300
Note: Mass and dimension data are given for USI without adapter, aerodynamic fairing
and safety support system.collision with which is relatively high (several collisions during 20 years are possible), but which cannot be predetected with present-day monitoring facilities.
Such DSO may be intercepted at an altitude within 100 000 km with either a set of kinetic star-shaped penetrators (DSO diameter within 100-150 m) or a nuclear explosive device. In this case the interception complex must be always kept in operational conditions (prelaunch preparation lasts for about 1-2 days after DSO is detected).
2. A concept of a universal space interceptor designed on the modular principle is proposed. The universal space interceptor comprises a command-impact module and a variable number (from 0 to 5) of impact modules. Each module is provided with a kinetic star-shaped penetrator and DSO guidance system. In this case DSO long-range detection and final inspection, determination of appropriate DSO surface impact point, USI trajectory adjustment (in independent flight), USI
separation to modules, module-to-DSO approach arrangement required and USIground services communication is supported with the command-impact module systems.
3. The characteristics of present-day launch vehicles of different payload capacity (MOLNIYA, ZENIT, PROTON, ANGARA, et al.) and space monitoring facilities are sufficient to provide USI efficient application.
4. In the course of the universal space interceptor development the basic issues which arise during creation and operation of a dangerous space object protection system will be theoretically substantiated and tested.
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